BWH Presents Fantasy Football Game Night
at Seabreeze Rec Center @ 6pm
on September 11, 2019
Social Chairman - Kathy Penno
Co-Chairman - Mary Braunstein
Co-Chairman - Donna Charles
Co-Chairman - Donna Charles
Photographer - Donna Charles
Game Day Menu from La Hacienda Catering:
- Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Potato Salad, Coleslaw & Baked Beans with all the fixings.
Social Committee hard at work preparing for September's Fantasy Football Game Night.
Time to kick off this Social - doors opened at 6pm
Everything is in place:
- ticket takers, 50-50, recycling, game day music, supplies for team event, food, photography backdrop, now its time for Kathy to open the doors.
BWH Social Members came dressed in their football team colors. Amazing job BWH members for bringing your team paraphernalia and of course your team spirit.
I now present BWH's social members.
Social opened with President Linda Shunk giving a moment of silence for 9/11 victims and then the Pledge of Allegiance.
VP Marlon Charles talked about nominations for board positions for 2020 and membership drive.
Everyone has eaten and now Social Chairman Kathy Penno will give the instructions on the next activity. Each table will create a fantasy football team name, decorate a shirt, hat, bell, poster and megaphone. Teamwork is the key to this activity. All teams will come up with a chant, cheer, song etc. & present.
Example Team: Hollywood Heights Cougars presented their fantasy football team to the social.
Backpacks filled with lots of supplies were given to each team to complete their Fantasy Football team challenge!
BWH Social Members working together as a team to create their fantasy football team and get their activities completed to present. Loved watching everyone work together enjoying their time creating.