2022 April BWH Social was a Golf Cart Poker Run.
This social is a great event where everyone gets to participate. The fun in riding around and finding the destinations sure helps us learn The Villages.
Social Chair for April is Cindy Murgittroyd. Thank you Joe Penno for assisting in making this a great success.
When we have completed the Poker Run guess what we get??? Hot pizza from Marco's Pizza? MMMM So delicious......
Its time to start the Poker Run. First location was to pick up our instructions at Seabreeze Recreational Center. At this timing we were given instructions from Claire Reese & Bill Bleau. The Poker Passport was received from Bob & Vicki McCoy.
Instructions and Passport
BWH social members at Seabreeze ready to get this Poker Run Started.
The Poker Run Trail was marked with signs to show us the way.
The Golf Cart Poker Run takes us to the Southern part of The Villages. Across the interstate by way of the Water Lilly Bridge.
After getting our 3rd card a few of us stopped at Edna's on the Green for some beverages and music.