Social Chair Kathy Penno took charge of the BWH December Social!
BWH social members are anxiously awaiting to enter the December Social.
There were ticket takers and 50/50 tickets being sold outside the doors. Our VP Herb Scull who was doing his membership drive.
Photographers tonight were Marlon & Donna Charles who took photos of BWH social members by the Christmas Tree.
A Delicious dinner was served at 6:00 p.m. Spinach & Berry Salad Honey Mustard Chicken with Bacon & Mushrooms Beef Bourguignon in a burgundy sauce Creamy Orzo, Vegetable Medley, Rolls & Butter Loved the desserts....... Sugar Plum Cupcakes
It's time for the entertainment to start...... Let's welcome "THE DORELS"
Random photos from December Social.
COUPLES DANCE Thank you Priscilla Baker for the 53 photos you sent !!!
Thanks to Carol Castellano for sharing these videos of Jo Soehl & Bill Bleau cutting the rug.