Thanks Joe Penno for telling the story of the tree at the end of Beecher path that was strung with lights and served as our community Christmas tree. The lighting ceremony each December first will forever be a great memory.
Gene Soehl & Jerry Ritch were in charge every year to get the tree decorated even if that meant climbing a ladder to put the lights on when the tree started growing. At the end they had to hire a bucket truck operator to put the lights on the tree. Thanks to these guys for their dedication and to many others who donated time and money to help decorate the tree every year.
Every year there would be a golf cart Christmas parade and it would end at the big decorated tree at the end of Beecher. Below is a video of 2017 golf cart parades and tree lighting.
As part of the holiday celebration carolers were hired to entertain BWH at the corner of Arrobes & Chalmer Terrace. Thanks to Mary Braunstein for having the event at her home.
Beverages of coffee, hot cocoa and hot apple cider were set out for all to enjoy.
Desserts were plentiful at this holiday driveway party. Fudge, cookies, brownies just to name a few.
Thanks Donna Charles for taking these photos to save this memorable event.
Frosty made an appearance at the party!!
Check out a few happy faces that attended the BWH Holiday Driveway Party.